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CPD Training Courses

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INTA has official recognition as an accredited Provider with the CPD Standards Office. 

INTA has been approved to deliver CPDSO courses within health care with CPD gained hours towards the training. Each individual who completes a CPD accredited learning activity may request a formal CPDSO Certificate of Attendance which can be included within a formal CPD record for a professional institute, regulator or employer.

CPDSO courses are globally recognised, which makes this training very desirable as adds a huge value to the existing qualification that professionals get. 

Obtaining CPDSO training as part of your continuous professional development programme will give you a peace of mind in delivering the CPDSO approved treatments, as they go through a vigorous assessment and standardisation process which guarantees a full compliance within the health care regulation prior approval. 

Why obtaining CPD training is essential? 

Employees and members of professional bodies, institutes or regulators are often expected to attain a certain number of CPD points or hours per year.  They need them in order to maintain their chartered status or their license to practice.
Each professional body, institute, regulator or employer sets in place a CPD policy. The number of points or hours can vary significantly from profession to profession and sector to sector.

CPD points or hours are an integral part of what are termed ‘input based’ CPD schemes and can also be known as CPD Credits or CPD merits.

As a general rule:

  • One CPD hour is one full contact hour of teaching or learning, and can include Q&A sessions but not networking time. 
  • One CPD point usually equals one CPD hour. This can however vary from sector to sector.
  • In the medical sector, CPD point allocation changes in relation to the particular type of training activity.

CPDSO training courses are available for professionals who hold Level 3 RQF or NVQ regulated qualifications or above, including Podiatrists, FHPs, Chiropodists and various other professionals.

The proof of qualifications will be requested prior attending the courses.